Talks on the traditions of San Froilán

On Thursday, October 6th at 20:30 hours, in the Yvium Space of the Proconsi Foundation, was held the “Talks on the traditions of San Froilán”, with the participation of Hermenegildo López, Abad de la Cofradía del Milagroso Pendón de San Isidoro, Gonzalo González-Cayón, Teniente de Primicerio de la Imperial Orden del Pendón de San Isidoro, y Alejandro Valderas, historian.

The Pendones Leoneses are a kind of flags or ensigns representative of different localities in our region and which in some cases are several decades old. They are made up of a mast or pole that can measure up to 14 metres, attached at one end to the belt of the pendonero, as the person who carries it is called.

Also very typical of the San Froilán festivities are the Carros Engalanados, which leave from the Carretera de los Cubos and end their route in the emblematic Plaza del grano. In addition to the parade itself, there is a competition in which around 50 decorated wagons are judged. The wagons are decorated with quilts, pots and pans and farm implements and carry children and adults dressed in traditional costumes.

In the Cantaderas commemorates the Christian victory of King Ramiro I of Asturias in the Battle of Clavijo against the Muslim troops of Abderramán II, which led to the liberation of the legendary «Tributo de las cien doncellas».

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