Young Talents I Marcos Castro

Marcos Castro, is one of the young talents that we promote from Espacio Yvium. On Saturday, November 5th, the play Mono Sapiens took place in the cultural centre ManaKisanti, Villoria de Órbigo, León. Congratulations on a successful play!

Talks on the traditions of San Froilán

On Thursday, October 6th at 20:30 hours, in the Yvium Space of the Proconsi Foundation, was held the “Talks on the traditions of San Froilán”, with the participation of Hermenegildo López, Abad de la Cofradía del Milagroso Pendón de San Isidoro, Gonzalo González-Cayón, Teniente de Primicerio de la Imperial Orden del Pendón de San Isidoro, […]

Documentary Screening Ser y Sentir de los Agarres

Synopsis: Documentary made from abundant material collected, from spring 2021 to spring 2022, in the “corros” and other environments of the “Aluches”, with exceptional protagonists. This work has been elaborated with the intention of documenting the intangible Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), the Lucha Leonesa, not only for its connoisseurs and fans, but especially in […]

Presentation of the project Mikogest y de la APP smartbasket

Presentation of the project Mikogest y de la APP smartbasket for a better knowledge of the different mushroom species In the MIKOGEST project we have developed the smartbasket application, an App open to all users and downloadable to turn the mobile phone into a smart basket.In addition to being a data collection device, it is […]